Exeter Progression #2 - hella boring
I don't know why, but this session was so boring! It was all about Anthropology but I still don't know what it is. One hour was two students talking about their experience as the Uni which is what I've heard before. Nothing new. One hour was an Irish woman - loved her accent - but she was just jabbering for an hour and God it was boring. I was nearly asleep by the end. The first hour was a French guy - also just realised that we didn't have one English person... strange - talking about some other bullshit. I don't know. Really don't care if I'm honest. Next session should be more interesting, but haven't got my hopes too high now. But Sarah - I think that's her name - will be back so basically the first lecturer from the first session. Also the college phoned and the didn't know why I was gone even though they authorised the one in January so I probably will be marked as unauthorised and Mel will hate me. What's new?