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Mock Results

I’ve noticed I only ever type my blog in IT. Probably because it’s less weird if I’m typing loads since I always pass. Today has been pretty good so far. I got my question right in Psychology, I am the only person in IT to have passed Unit 6 Assignment 2, and I got my mock results back and did well! Today is good. I got a C in Psychology and a B in Sociology. How I do not know. How did I do better in Sociology than Psychology? I definitely thought it would be the other way round. Plus not only did I pass, but a really good pass. Like really good. Technically E is a pass so I could have got a D or a C in Sociology or a D in Psychology but I didn’t. I’m very proud. Kai remembered to ask how I did and he did say that I would do well and I secretly knew I would at least get an E but not this well and especially not for Sociology. Nay hasn’t asked. She’s with Oli so I’m basically out of the picture now and being ignored and forgotten. It’s fine. I’m in too good a mood to care if I’m honest. I’ll have to speak to Jon in like 50 mins about me paying tax because that ain’t happening on my next pay slip. Gosh I’m bored. I still have 40 minutes until the end of the lesson. Le sigh.

What am I supposed to even do? I can’t do the final assignments in Unit 1 or Unit 2 since they require extra stuff. Unit 2 needs lots of evidence and lab work and Unit 1 can only really be done after everything else (probably end of the year) so what am I supposed to do? Technically I’m not finished the Unit 6 assignment because I need to adjust the program and evaluate it a little more – since Mirella said to use a for loop but that was super difficult – cue angry and bad days caused by this assignment – but you can actually use any type of iteration… not just for. So I’m going to use a while loop and go from there. I’ll then have to change the pseudocode but it will be fine! Only half an hour left… then I have like 2 hours to revise since Cerys’ brother probably won’t be here on time or forget his phone or something. I’m still bored. I’ve been looking through my files on my computer thinking how else I can pass the time. More like 20 minutes as Mirella always lets us go early yay. But still. Too long. Normally I don’t mind these hour and a half lessons but they can be way too much. Especially now when I have very little to do. In a month or two I will be having revision sessions most days since I’ll have no more work to do. Plus if we finish, I’ll get mum to phone up and ask if I can either leave early Monday and Tuesdays or not come in at all on Friday since that’s my only lesson. I’m not spending so much money to literally do something that I could do at home

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