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Today was a lot calmer

Today was so much calmer but still busy for like an hour probably because it was lunch but still. I seriously doubt I would be able to do this as a full time job. If it's busy I can work but when it's quiet it's boring. What do other people do when there is nothing to do? Plus I don't know when people are finished and feel like I'm constantly being watched by other people eating. Amber came in today but I'm pretty sure she didn't recognise me thank God. I'm super tired so I'm gonna go home then sleep. Also Primark contacted me about a job - since I did apply like a month ago - but too late. I feel like it would look better saying I've worked in retail and fast food rather than just two retails. Sent an email back saying I would have to reject the offer. Kinda sucks. If I could work at Primark as well as Pizza Hut I would but if I'm struggling with my fatigue now, I wouldn't be able to cope with three jobs.

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