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Second mock - Sociology

Sociology mock today. My brain didn’t want to work. I had to have a rest break like 40 minutes to the end and just sat outside and felt like death. Only got 5 hours sleep so wasn’t feeling great and probably didn’t talk about the right people or the righty stuff but it’s over now. Finished the 2nd season of RuPauls drag race. Juju for the win (even though she lost boohoo). Don’t know why but I’m super horny right now. Really want a boyfriend but dunno how that would work with the scars. I have my Pizza Hut interview tomorrow ahh. Wish me luck. I’m going to be out all day! Getting the 10am bus and getting the 5:10pm bus back ughhh so long! I better get this job now. Probs gonna masturbate and watch Netflix because Netflix is life. Or maybe YouTube. Dunno yet.

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