Activity Management
I have opted to take part in this research study for CFS. The MAGENTA study. Sounds great, I know. There are 2 groups in the study: Activity Management and Graded Exercise Therapy. GET is more starting small and building up, whereas the Activity Management is find your baseline and stick to it no matter what. That is doable... as long as I have a strict regime. When my college bus decides to quit and I have no way to get in and having a useless college can really throw your routine off. I was fine the first week of this activity management, but then the bus happened, which resulted in me having a month of college so that's a month of odd activity. I have to do 9.5 hours a day of high energy activity which can be most things, but having time off college can result in me doing less work. For example, going to and from college would take 2 hours of that energy. Each lesson is 1.5 hours long so every day thats 3 hours of lessons. So already I have 5 hours taken up by college. Then I have study sessions and talking to my friends (more like friend but I'm trying to be more optimistic); all this takes up energy but I was used to it for doing this whole bullshit school thing for over 11 years. When I am at home, I don't have to travel so that's an extra 2 hours I get to do what I like, then I won't spend 1.5 hours doing a certain subject, I'll spend however long I need to on it which is usually like 30 mins. All this results in me having a lower baseline which will and has fucked me up now that I'm back at college (part-time... bus still isn't exactly fixed). It's just so stressful trying to manage this along with everything else. On the up side, I phoned the doctors to make an appointment about my mental health... but it is in 3 weeks time. Fuck. My. Life. NHS is great isn't it. I do admit, it's great its free healthcare, but for some people - like me or worse - who have mental health issues, those 3 weeks can be hell. Chances are, I will have to go to many appointments that will take so long to arrange since I don't get home until 6ish. I probably won't get any help for a couple months. Great. I also have mocks coming up in January, along with this University thing I'm doing. I have to go one Wednesday every other month. I'm pretty sure the first session is in the middle of mock week which will be eventful. So basically, I'm gonna be stressed for the next couple months, or years.