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I can't do this anymore

Back-story time. In college, we have to do this bullshit test thing to test our abilities in English and Maths (I don’t see why since a few months ago, we did exams for that exact fucking purpose). Firstly, I started doing level 1 instead of level 2 so I was already an hour behind; but to make me feel even fucking better, I found level 1 difficult because I’m just so fucking stupid. So eventually, I started doing level 2 English, and it was okay, some questions I couldn’t get so I just skipped, but it turns out, for a certain section, I need to have 75% to pass but I can’t get it. After my first try, I got something like 34% because I didn’t care. Then I saw you needed 75%, and tried again. 56%. Tried again. 61%. I left at that point because I had a bus to catch. This was on Friday. It’s Sunday now. I was hoping that after a few days to calm down and relax with my friends, I could do it and it would be fine. Not. I tried the English again, answering questions I didn’t think I would be able to and guess what? 69%! Even when I try my fucking best, it still isn’t good enough. I’m just sick of feeling like this. A stupid, fucked-up, fat, ugly, horrible person who nobody wants to be friends with. I’m just sick of it. There’s me thinking I could go to university. Funny. I can’t even do basic English so how could I cope at uni. I guess a girl can dream, right? I think I need some time alone. Maybe that will make me feel worse. I’m not going to psychology tomorrow (as long as my teacher agrees to it) but I’m forcing myself to go to IT since I miss so many lessons already. I’m kinda hoping I get prescribed something or they think I need anti-depressants. I’ll be able to sleep more then. More sleep = less crying. Less being awake and having to deal with your problems.

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